Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weekends all alone

It's been a long time since a car has pulled up for me to go hangout with friends. It is no longer the "norm". What is the "norm" now though, is me sitting at home, reading or on Facebook. Now, I've always enjoyed doing both activities, but neither can really replace actual human contact. Friends move on, change, and (what's worse), get new friends. I used to be a part of a group of friends, a group of guys who really did like me for the way I was, quiet, home-schooled, and whatever else. We used to spend all extra time together, something they had been doing for years but had made me a part of their group. Whether we went to Disneyland, the movies, the baseball park, or just to one of their houses it didn't matter. What mattered was the closeness and the good times that we used to have. I still text them, every now and then, and they still don't show any interest in us getting back together and hanging out. I feel like a temporary member, someone who has been replaced by the girlfriend of one of the guys. Now she is the one of the only girls in the group. Now she is the one who spends her time with the guys on weekends and evenings. Now I know the best thing to do in this is to move on, which I am doing, but it is very hard. Very hard because they were my people. Very hard because they were my friends. Very hard because the girl who's replaced me used to be my best friend.

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