Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Insomnia

Ah, sleep.... Do I get enough? I wonder sometimes. I'm a night owl, a person who would rather stay up till 1 or 2 in the morning then have to get up around 6 or 7 the next day. Sometimes both happen. This is when I wonder if I need to rethink my life. I don't fall asleep easily. I lay in bed awake, with all of my thoughts haunting me until slumber finally does find me. That's another problem with me. I think too much. Way to much. I analyze and over analyze situations that happen to me and end up paranoid. Which leads me back to my first point, I don't sleep easily. At night, I go on Facebook and talk to my friends I don't get to see often. When I am done with that I get off and go get into bed where I either listen to music or read a book with a booklight. Music can be helpful, unless the lyrics remind me of something or someone and then it's even harder to fall asleep. Books, now books, are nice. In just the right novel I can be sucked into the story and find myself thinking of nothing but what I'm reading until I put the book down to fall asleep. This leads me to yet another problem. If I'm really into a good book then I find it hard to put down. And if I don't put it down in time then the exact same thing happens as when I stay up thinking, listening to music, or talking to someone on Facebook. I don't get enough sleep. Now today, today I slept in. Till eleven. And then I took a nap in the afternoon. For several hours. It seems like I have gained some victory in the sleep department. Until tonight that is...

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I think that reading a slightly boring book, perhaps one with print that's just a little too small, is a good idea here. I find that a book that is just the right degree of interesting, but not too much, really helps me realize that my eyelids weigh 30 pounds each, and that the ideas in the book are beginning to get mixed up with events from my day, and I am actually asleep.
    I once gave Emily the book of Proverbs to read, thinking it would bore her to sleep, but no, she got captivated by it. Same with the National Geographic. You gotta find a slightly dull book, and also, set your computer to turn off itself at 11.
